Terms & Conditions

Using www.glamsaved.com

glamsaved allows you to visit and use this site only for personal, informational or enquiry purposes. You may not modify this site or any part thereof, make any commercial use of it or its contents, make any resale of products, enter into a data base or gather data, including via data gathering and extraction tools. You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, publish, sell, resell, modify, transmit or exploit any part of this site. You may not use any meta tags or other hidden text utilizing www.glamsaved.com domain name or other intellectual property.

Provision of Services
The provision of information by you is governed by the practices described in this site. By submitting it you acknowledge your agreement to be bound by these practices, so please read them carefully.
Each of our local sites has and is governed by its own Terms and Conditions, so please read them when surfing and/or using a local site linked to this site.

Sending Comments to glamsaved
We want to get your comments, including suggestions, ideas, questions or other information, but they must not be illegal, derogatory, threatening, obscene, in breach of any party's intellectual property rights, or otherwise harmful to third parties. Such communications must not contain viruses or other components harmful to this site or other users. glamsaved may instigate steps and/or will co-operate with law enforcement agencies or court orders directing it to disclose the identity of any users posting such contents.

You will bear the full responsibility legal or otherwise for any material you send to glamsaved or third parties and glamsaved bears no liability for such.

By sending us such material you agree to give glamsaved an unlimited and irrevocable right to use it at its sole discretion (other than personal information covered by the Privacy Policy), including the rights to reproduce, modify, omit, create works from, display and make marketing, promotional or any other commercial use of such material and that you shall not make any claims (including claims for payment or royalties) in this respect. glamsaved will not have to treat such material as confidential.

When using this site your privacy is governed by our Privacy Policy. Please click Privacy Policy to review.

Accuracy of Information
glamsaved takes reasonable steps to ensure that the information on the site is correct and accurate. glamsaved cannot warrant that the site or services it offers will be uninterrupted, and that this site, its servers, or e-mail sent from glamsaved are free of viruses or other harmful components.
We are not liable and do not take any responsibility for the contents, services, terms and conditions and policies of other sites which may be linked to www.glamsaved.com. Please consult the conditions and policies of those sites separately.

Disruptions and Interference
glamsaved is not liable to you for disruptions to the site and is not liable to you, or any other party, if use of the site causes damage to or interferes with your computer systems.
glamsaved invites you to take precautions to ensure use of this site is free of viruses or the like that may interfere with the operation of your computer systems or damage them.

Unless the existence of application of these terms would be illegal, void or unenforceable: All conditions and warranties otherwise implied are excluded by glamsaved; glamsaved is not liable to you or any other party for any loss or damage, however caused, which is suffered, directly or indirectly arising from the use of this site; and glamsaved is not liable for any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage (of any kind or nature whatsoever) suffered or incurred in connection with this site.

glamsaved reserves the right to alter this site, and the services, products and prices it offers, the policies posted on this site and these Terms and Conditions at its discretion. If any court of competent jurisdiction should hold that any term or condition herein is unenforceable or void as a matter of law, the remainder of these Terms and Conditions and other policies posted on this site shall remain in full force and effect.